Traba Itinerary

Happy Bearings | Happy Days

Happy Bearings | Happy Days

Happy Bearings, the Brazilian-born, Barcelona-based, bearing company has released their first edit, and its goes. Straight to the point bangin' footy and good music, most of the times, that's all we really need. 

Oracle B-Sides | VX1000

Oracle B-Sides | VX1000

Stay on the lookout for "Oracle" a Chicago suburbs based video filmed on VX1000.

Trash City Co | Shiesty 2021

Trash City Co | Shiesty 2021

The Little Village area of Chicago has been cooking up a lot of skateboarding, and the skateboarders and spots are starting to shine.

Guapo? No Carro! | Chicago | Trabajando Fisheye

Guapo? No Carro! | Chicago | Trabajando Fisheye

Henry Vaca put together a 10 minute Chicago based edit filmed primarily on the Mini vx1000 MK1! Homies videos are best because its just pure fun being outside skateboarding, with no pressure from brands or to film a complete part.